SFI-certified organizations certified to the SFI Forest Management Standard, SFI Fiber Sourcing Standard, SFI Chain-of-Custody Standard and/or SFI Certified Sourcing Standard are required to undergo annual surveillance audits by independent and accredited certification bodies to deliver ongoing conformance. To maintain a current forest management, fiber sourcing, and/or chain-of-custody certificate, certified organizations must undergo a full recertification audit every five years.

SFI-certified organizations must provide a public audit summary to SFI following a certification, recertification, or surveillance audit to the SFI Forest Management Standard or SFI Fiber Sourcing Standard. They must submit the summary, to be posted on the SFI website, before they can make any public claims or statements about the audit. These public audit summaries must be prepared by the independent certification body.
Public summary documents that detail the most recent full assessment and the last two recent surveillance audits can be found on the SFI database.

Search for SFI‑certified companies here.